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关于饭店吃饭英语对话关于饭店吃饭英语对话篇1 Have you noticed the Mexican restaurant on the other side of this street?你有没有注意到路那边的墨西哥餐馆。提供,我们有许多可供选择的菜单。从快餐到桌餐我们都可以提供。【篇二】关于饭店的英语口语对话 A:Welcome to our international conferenc...




关于饭店吃饭英语对话篇1 Have you noticed the Mexican restaurant on the other side of this street?你有没有注意到路那边的墨西哥餐馆。

提供,我们有许多可供选择的菜单。从快餐到桌餐我们都可以提供。【篇二】关于饭店的英语口语对话 A:Welcome to our international conference centre.欢迎来到国际会议中心。

餐厅日常英语对话篇一 A:Thanks for lunch. It was delicious. 谢谢你请的午餐。它很美味。B:It';s OK. 不客气。A:Next time lunch is on me. 下次的午餐我请。B:Don';t be silly. 别傻了。A:I';m serious. 我是认真的。B:All right. Next time you will treat. 好的。下次你请。

餐厅点餐英语实用对话句型 Dinner or ala carte?是套菜还是点菜? Today we have chicken noodle, tomato and clam chowder.今天有鸡面、番茄、杂烩汤。



2、英语口语对话全文 How often do you eat out? Who do you go with?你多久吃一次?你跟谁一起去?I often eat out on weekends, when I hang out with my friends.当我和朋友出去玩的时候,我经常在周末外出用餐。

3、I’ll pick you up at 7:00 pm if it’s ok with you. 如果合适的话,我晚上7点去接您。 美式地道用餐口语 我们来谈谈一些在餐厅内会用到的句子,以及一些跟吃饭有关的单字片语。配合美国的食物介绍一二集来看,相信从此以后到美国餐厅用餐不再是件难事。

4、英语中叫大家去吃饭最地道且口语化的说法是:1) time for lunch.2) time for dinner.3) go to have breakfast。4)first is first, go for lunch.5) let';s go for lunch.需要说明的是, 英语中对吃哪一餐饭都有特指, 而不像中文的“吃饭”包括所有。

5、Would you be interested in dinner with me ? 今晚能请您吃个饭吗? Which kind of restaurant do you prefer, Chinese or Western? 您喜欢去中餐厅还是西餐厅呢? I';ll pick you up at 7:00 pm, if it';s ok with you. 如果合适的话,我晚上7点去接您。


1、pull your chair up and sit close to the table after sitting down。入座后将椅子靠近餐桌。

2、餐桌礼仪常用英语口语: 你喜欢喝什么酒?What would you like to drink,要再给你加点酒吗 May i fill your glass again?多喝点。Drink more.为我们的友谊和您的健康,干杯!Here';s to our friendship and to your health, Cheers!自己来!请自便!Help yourself.多吃点。

3、Don’t snap your napkin open or unfurl it showily like it’s an Olympic flag.不要把餐巾展开,看起来像是在展示奥林匹克会旗一样。


1、I usually have milk and bread for breakfast.我早餐通常都吃牛奶和面包。Mom,I hate eating vegetables!妈妈,我讨厌吃蔬菜!I understand.But you have to eat that.我明白,但是你必须要吃。

2、关于饭店吃饭英语对话篇1 Have you noticed the Mexican restaurant on the other side of this street?你有没有注意到路那边的墨西哥餐馆。

